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  1. Image of the National Lottery logo of crossed fingers for luck, with the words ‘The National Lottery Open Week’ on its right hand side and 'National Lottery Open Week 2025' written underneath.
    Author: Pat Janecka
    • Latest News
    • Partnerships

    To show our deep gratitude to National Lottery and its incredible players, we are proudly supporting the National Lottery Open Week, taking place between the 15th and 23rd of March! As a token of our appreciation, we are giving away exclusive Guide Dogs branded tote bags to the first 50 visitors to our National Centre.

  2. Habilitation Specialist Sunita walks hand in hand with four-year-old Mabel who uses her cane to identify obstacles on a path.
    Author: Guide Dogs' Communications Team

    For generations, the phrase 'the blind leading the blind' has been used to describe confusion, incompetence, or ignorance in conversations nationwide.

    Guide Dogs is on a mission to redefine this phrase and highlight the real stories of leadership, independence, and resilience that challenge society’s misconceptions.

  3. Zein and guide dog Mitch sit on the floor together and Zein has her arms around Mitch.
    Author: Guide Dogs' Communications Team

    'Infinite World of Vision: Life Transitions for Young People with Vision Impairments' is an inspiring free audiobook on Spotify, written and narrated by young people aged 16-28. It shares heartfelt stories and practical advice on navigating key life transitions like starting university, relocating, and getting a guide dog. Supported by the University of Bath and funded by Guide Dogs, it’s a must-listen for anyone curious about the journeys and achievements of those with vision impairments.

  4. Yellow Labrador cross golden retriever Carlos stands outside a high street shop with a Christmas tree and a sticker of a reindeer in the window display.
    Author: Guide Dogs' Communications Team

    Research reveals almost 90% of guide dog owners refused access to hospitality venues, taxis, and shops, and other services. Guide Dogs warns that these discriminatory access refusals could impact festive outings for guide dog owners this year.

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