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  1. The cast of the Devil Wears Prada West End Show gathers on stage with guide dog Bill and guide dog owner Mo. They stand in front of a New York City backdrop.
    Author: Guide Dogs' Communications Team
    • Dogs
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    Guide dog Bill has been stealing the limelight at exclusive red-carpet events to raise awareness about the rising cost of dog ownership. The two-year-old golden retriever has been popping up in places where you’d least expect him to highlight the ‘unexpected bills’ and financial pressures that dog owners are facing amid the rising cost of living.

  2. A golden Labrador retriever puppy running on grass towards the camera
    Author: Tim Stafford

    As dog owners, we've all noticed those moments when our canine companions seem to sense our mood. Whether we're excited, sad, or anxious, they always seem to know. But how deeply does our emotional state affect them? Guide Dogs’ Tim Stafford takes a look at a fascinating new study by the University of Bristol.

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