Special recognition from the Scottish Premier Football League for guide dog owner Jon

Author: Regional Marketing and Communications Team
  • Dogs
  • Inspiring People
  • Partnerships
Jon and guide dog Sam outside Hampden Park Stadium in Glasgow

Jon Attenborough and his guide dog Sam made history recently, with Sam becoming the first dog to visit all 42 Scottish Professional Football League (SPFL) stadiums.

Jon and Sam have been travelling around Scotland, taking in fixtures from the Scottish Premiership to Scottish League 2. Together, they have travelled hundreds of miles in their bid to raise awareness of Guide Dogs and accessibility within football.

They completed the epic challenge at Forfar Athletic’s Station Park, which was specially chosen due to Forfar being the home of Guide Dogs’ regional centre in Scotland… and where guide dog Sam began his training many years ago!

Speaking about the experience, Jon said: “It was a great moment. Every one of the 42 clubs we went to, me and Sam were all welcomed in with open arms. By the staff, the stewards and the supporters, everyone was amazing.

“I think everyone loves seeing a guide dog on the terraces. Regardless of how the football is going, it makes everyone happy.”

Jon and Sam stood inside Hampden Park stadium with the pitch behind them

At full time, Jon and Sam were presented with a special recognition award by the SPFL, with Sam becoming the first recipient of an official SPFL medal who wasn’t a league winning player or manager.

You can watch a video, showing Jon and Sam completing the 42 and being presented with their awards, on the SPFL YouTube channel here.

Since completing the challenge, Jon and Sam have attracted national media interest for their remarkable achievement. The Scottish Football Museum, based at Scotland’s national stadium Hampden park, will also be inducting the history-making partnership into the museum.

Jon’s book, “Following Sam – Jon and Sam’s journey conquering the 42” is set for release in May 2025.

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Author: Regional Marketing and Communications Team

Guide Dogs' Regional Marketing and Communications Team

Author: Regional Marketing and Communications Team

Guide Dogs' Regional Marketing and Communications Team

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