Straight On

Straight On was designed and painted by professional artist Angela Charles, who is one of our artists with sight loss.

Design summary

About her design inspiration, Angela said, “The design is themed on independence and freedom, which is what my guide dog Flynn gives me. I used GPS to track our walking routes and these lines formed a starting point for my mark-making. I used colours that reminded me of an old globe to form a design, and incorporated some commands I give Flynn, like ‘straight on’.”

Sensory items

We asked our artists to come up with a scent and a touch item that relates to their design to give a multi-sensory perspective to their concept. Some of these items will be incorporated into our sighted guide and sensory tours. Angela's sensory items are:

  • Touch item: Leather, as found on a guide dog's harness handle.
  • Scent item: Countryside scent.

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Supporter of Straight On

Our land partner Canal & River Trust is supporting Straight On.