A Tangle with Colour

A Tangle with Colour was designed and painted by the artist Alex Devlin, who is one of our artists with sight loss.

Design summary

About her design inspiration, Alex said, “The design, painted like yarn with occasional breaks and loose stitches, features abstract representations of natural elements based on my surroundings, such as the greenery towards the bottom and the sun towards the top. It has patterns inspired by dogs, and my eye condition is represented by the inward/outward spirals around the eyes."

Sensory items

We asked our artists to come up with a scent and a touch item that relates to their design to give a multi-sensory perspective to their concept. Some of these items will be incorporated into our sighted guide and sensory tours. Alex's sensory items are:

  • Touch item: Knitting and balls of yarn.
  • Scent item: Cake and tea.