Heatwave risk: young people are risking sight loss by not wearing sunglasses

Author: Guide Dogs' Communications Team
  • Eye Health
  • Latest News
Guide dog sits in between three deckchairs lined up on a sandy beach. The deckchairs are facing away from the camera towards the sea and a pier while the guide dog is lying down and facing towards the camera, looking at the person in the deckchair on the left.

With temperatures soaring across the country this week, Guide Dogs has revealed that fashion-conscious young people are risking sight problems by ditching their sunglasses.  

The research, commissioned by Guide Dogs, reveals that young people are less likely to wear sunglasses than older generations, even though sun damage can be a real risk to their future eye health*.

A survey carried out with GB adults** showed that less than a third (29 per cent) of young people (aged 18–24) are protecting their eyes by wearing sunglasses when it’s bright outside. Older generations were more aware of the links between sun damage and eye health issues with just over half (51 percent) of those 25 and over wearing sunglasses to prevent vision deterioration, rising to 60 percent for the over 55s.

The data also showed that only one in five people (20 percent) knew that not wearing eye protection from the sun can lead to sight loss.   

With an estimated six million people in the UK living with sight-threatening eye conditions, looking after your eyes is so important. We recommend people prioritise their eye health and get into good habits, such as wearing sunglasses, booking regular eye tests, not sleeping in contact lenses or make-up and not using out-of-date make-up.

Pete Osborne, Chief Operations Officer at Guide Dogs

Pete continued: “Importantly, if you are worried about your eyes, speak to an expert. If conditions are spotted and treated earlier, the risk of sight loss can be lowered so don’t ignore any eye pain, discomfort, changes in vision or other problems.” 

For those who have been diagnosed with sight loss, support from Guide Dogs doesn't only come with a cold wet nose. We can help people with sight loss at every step of their journey through information and advice; family support; sighted guides; life skills support and more.

*The UVA and UVB rays found in sunlight can be harmful to your vision and can contribute to the cause of some eye conditions. See more information here.

**Based on a survey of 2,147 GB adults asking about their eye health conditions and thought processes around prevention of sight deterioration, conducted 31st May – 1st June 2022. The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all GB adults (aged 18+). 

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Author: Guide Dogs' Communications Team

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Author: Guide Dogs' Communications Team

Guide Dogs’ Communications Team are available 24/7 to answer journalists' questions about the charity and its services, events and campaigns. We have key spokespeople across all areas of our work and many of the people we support are happy to share their inspirational stories.