Guide Dogs launches Open Doors campaign against illegal access refusals

Author: Guide Dogs' Communications Team
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Guide dog owners and their guide dogs gather with signs for Open Doors

New research released today shows the majority (81 per cent) of guide dog owners responding to a recent survey have been illegally refused entry to a business of service, because they were with their guide dog.

And of these people, almost three quarters (73 per cent) said they experienced an access refusal at least once in the past 12 months.

An access refusal is when a guide dog owner is told that they cannot enter a business, access a service or is challenged about their entry because they have their guide dog with them.

Worryingly, access refusals remain a persistent issue for guide dog owners. Research conducted by the charity in 2019 found that 76% of guide dog and assistance dog owners had experienced an access refusal.

Access refusals are not isolated to one particular industry. Guide dog owners reported experiencing access refusals at food and drink establishments, taxis and private hire vehicles and shops.

And these refusals are having a negative impact beyond the moment they occur. Almost half (49%) of guide dog owners responding to a question in the survey said they change their plans or restrict visits to certain places because they are worried about being refused entry or being challenged.

In response to the mounting issue, a group of guide dog owners have stood up to illegal access refusals for people with guide dogs. The group hope to educate the public and businesses, and grow understanding and awareness of how access refusals impact on guide dog owners.

Guide dogs on high street with signs for Open Doors campaign

The six guide dog owners have been backed by Guide Dogs, who have launched the ‘Open Doors’ campaign, spearheaded by a new, free of charge app that allows guide dog owners to easily and quickly report illegal access refusals.

Additional research conducted by One Poll on behalf of Guide Dogs found nearly half (47%) of retail staff and 19% of hospitality staff were unaware that refusing a guide dog is illegal, and one in two (51%) said they would struggle to identify a guide dog or assistance dog from a pet dog.

There’s also a lack of awareness of the issue amongst the general public, with more than a third of people (36%) admitting they didn’t know refusing entry to a guide dog owner is illegal.

"Like many guide dog owners, I have experienced access refusals. It is upsetting and makes me feel rejected and worried about making future plans. One of the worst occasions for me was being refused by a taxi after visiting my dying relative, despite having pre-booked and confirming I am a guide dog user.

I hope this campaign helps to change the dial and make a long-lasting change by educating the public and business owners alike, so that these types of refusals don’t happen again to anyone like me.”

Brian, guide dog owner

Blanche Shackleton, Head of Policy, Public Affairs and Campaigns at Guide Dogs, said: "Guide dog owners deserve to be able to live their lives the way they want and feel confident, independent and supported in the world. The law is clear, and yet guide dog owners continue to experience access refusals, which are almost always illegal. Our research shows that 81% of guide dog owners have been refused access to a business or service at some point, and around half of respondents said they changed or restricted their plans because they were concerned they would be refused access because of their guide dog. Businesses and services need to do more to ensure they have open doors to guide dog owners.”

“We have listened to the concerns of guide dog owners and in response, we have launched the Open Doors campaign. The first element of this is the launch of our game-changing new app that makes it quick and easy for guide dog owners to report access refusals to us, get support, or educate businesses on access rights. We’re coupling this with our ask of government to strengthen the law in relation to access refusals to end them once and for all”

Guide dog owners and the general public alike can identify businesses that are welcoming to guide and assistance dogs by looking out for the charity’s ‘Open Doors’ sticker in their window.

Guide Dogs will also be launching their High Street Heroes campaign between 7th and 13th November . Volunteers will be encouraged to visit their local high street to engage with shops and businesses, encouraging them to display an ‘assistance dogs welcome’ window sticker.

For more information about the Open Doors campaign or to sign the petition in support of stronger legislation in this area, please visit the Guide Dogs website.

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Author: Guide Dogs' Communications Team

Guide Dogs’ Communications Team are available 24/7 to answer journalists' questions about the charity and its services, events and campaigns. We have key spokespeople across all areas of our work and many of the people we support are happy to share their inspirational stories.

Author: Guide Dogs' Communications Team

Guide Dogs’ Communications Team are available 24/7 to answer journalists' questions about the charity and its services, events and campaigns. We have key spokespeople across all areas of our work and many of the people we support are happy to share their inspirational stories.

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Approved photo for Guide Dogs Open Doors campaign. Open door with "Open Doors for guide dogs. It's the law" imposed on the door glass.

Guide Dogs launches Open Doors app and campaign to help combat illegal access refusals.