Danni's story

For 50 years Danni has always had a guide dog by her side. She says her life would’ve been very different without her six incredible guide dogs, who have opened up the world and helped her live the life of freedom she always wanted.

The difference a guide dog can make has impacted every part of my life. I’m much more confident. If I want to go out, I can just go.
Danni, guide dog owner

Growing up, Danni was very self-conscious about her sight loss and had always been reluctant to use her cane.

Danni says: “When I was a teenager, I started to notice my sight loss a lot more. All my friends and my younger sister were going out and I wanted to be the same. But I didn’t think using a cane was ‘cool’.”

“When I moved to London after college, I had to use my cane to get to work at a bank in the West End. It was an hour journey on buses and trains, and I found it so stressful. I would arrive at work with a headache.” 

After attending a talk by Guide Dogs, Danni decided to apply for a guide dog. After an assessment she received a call saying a match had become available.

“There was a group of 12 of us training together and we had the most wonderful four weeks. When we were introduced to our dogs, I heard a patter of paws coming down the corridor. Then when Alma came to sit by my side and put her head in my lap, it just felt right.”

“When I got back to London after training with Alma I felt so different – it was like I could see again! I could get to work safely, and having a guide dog is a great ice breaker. People loved her and I made lots of new friends.”

With her guide dogs by her side, Danni has had a successful career working and volunteering in the charity sector, including 20 years in the fundraising and reception teams at Guide Dogs! She also loves music, tandem cycling and rambling in the countryside.

“If I hadn’t had my guide dogs, I probably would have been very isolated. I wouldn’t have the confidence that I have now and I’m certain that I wouldn’t have as many friends as I do now. And most importantly, I wouldn’t have the independence that I have. My guide dogs have opened up the world to me.”

Danni was partnered with her current guide dog, Joker, in 2016 and she says it was love at first sight.

Joker is so calm and he never barks. He loves to play with other dogs. He’s so quiet and placid, but he just loves seeing people and dogs he knows.

Looking ahead to the future, Danni says: “My guide dogs have meant absolutely everything to me and as a charity I always felt that Guide Dogs was there for me. I would love for a future where VI people have the support they need, whether that’s a guide dog or other support services. Gifts in Will are so important to make sure Guide Dogs is here for people in the future.”

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