Do your own fundraising

Our fundraisers are everything to us. Without you, we couldn’t continue to be there for people with sight loss every day and in every way.  

That’s why we’ve got so many great fundraising ideas and resources ready and waiting for you, the moment you sign up to become a Guide Dogs fundraiser.

Don’t wait. Do something great.

What do I get when I sign up? 

Sign up to be a Guide Dogs fundraiser and we’ll send you: 

  • Free download or postal fundraising pack.
  • Fundraising inspiration and tools to help you hit your goal.
  • Advice and support tailored just for you.
  • Additional extras on request such as a t-shirt. 

Top 10 fundraising ideas

When you sign up, we’ll send you lots of different ideas to fundraise with Guide Dogs – and the resources you need to get started. Here are our 10 most popular ways to fundraise. 

Every penny counts 

Big or small, your contribution means everything to us. With every penny you raise, you’re helping us train our brilliant people and amazing dogs, develop new services and better facilities, and campaign for a more accessible, inclusive society. 

  • £26 could buy a white harness, the iconic symbol of a working guide dog.
  • £50 could cover the cost of a guide dog’s visit to the vet.
  • £138 could buy a starter kit for a guide dog partnership, containing everything they need to start their new life together. 

Register now to start fundraising

Sight loss doesn’t wait, and neither do we. We need your help – right now, today. Please register to fundraise with Guide Dogs and support our life-changing work.

Fill out our short form below and you’ll get free fundraising guide, puppy sweepstake and re-usable cardboard coin collector. 

All fields marked with * are mandatory.

We will use your personal information, provided below, to process your registration and contact you about your fundraising..

All about you

If you are under the age of 16, please ask a parent or guardian to complete the rest of the form.

Your contact details

Help us keep costs down by downloading all the resources you need, alternatively request a postal pack.

Please use this box to tell us how we can help you further or if there’s anything we need to know to assist your fundraising, e.g. if you require any specific resources, or if you are signing up on behalf of a young person/child etc. (Please provide details in no more than 512 characters)

Have you fundraised for Guide Dogs before?

We respect your personal information and your privacy and will not share or sell your information to other organisations.

We will use your contact details and information on how you have supported us to provide you and others with information we think you will find interesting. To help us do this we may use publicly sourced data and information from data analytics companies.

Find out more about how we manage and respect your data at or call freephone 0800 953 0113 to request a printed copy. Please use this number to tell us if you have changed your mind about how we contact you; including telling us that you do not wish to receive occasional direct mail about Guide Dogs.

Keeping in touch

To hear about ways you can donate or raise funds for our life-changing services, please let us know how you would like us to contact you (using the details above).

What type of group are you?

About your group

If you are under the age of 16, please ask a parent or guardian to complete the rest of the form.

Please use your company/school name or branch number if applicable.

Your contact details

Help us keep costs down by downloading all the resources you need, alternatively request a postal pack.

Please use this box to tell us how we can help you further or if there’s anything we need to know to assist your fundraising, e.g. if you require any specific resources, or if you are signing up on behalf of a young person/child etc. (Please provide details in no more than 512 characters)

Have you fundraised for Guide Dogs before?

We respect your personal information and your privacy and will not share or sell your information to other organisations.

We will use your contact details and information on how you have supported us to provide you and others with information we think you will find interesting. To help us do this we may use publicly sourced data and information from data analytics companies.

Find out more about how we manage and respect your data at or call freephone 0800 953 0113 to request a printed copy. Please use this number to tell us if you have changed your mind about how we contact you; including telling us that you do not wish to receive occasional direct mail about Guide Dogs.

Quince is really special. He wants to do all the stuff that we do together. If he wasn’t who he is, then I probably wouldn’t be who I am.
Erin, buddy dog owner

Get in touch

We’d love to help you start fundraising for Guide Dogs – for more inspiration or details please get in touch!  

0345 143 0192