TCS London Marathon

With 50,000 runners taking on the challenge each year and around 750,000 spectators to cheer you on, you too could be a part of the world’s most iconic marathons.

Starting in beautiful Greenwich Park in the South East of the city, during the 26.2 mile route you will take in iconic sites such as the Cutty Sark, Canary Warf, the London Eye, the Houses of Parliament, and, of course, across the magnificent Tower Bridge. You finish up in the centre of the city on the Mall, next to Buckingham Palace.

We have charity places available, so whether you haven’t managed to secure your own place within the ballot, or are just looking for a reason to raise money for a worthwhile cause, why not submit your application today for a chance to be a part of #TeamGuideDogs.

Event details

When: Sunday 27 April 2025Where: London

Charity place registration fee:


Charity places still available

You can take part in the TCS London Marathon 2025 with a Guide Dogs charity place. Places are awarded via an application process. Submit yours by 1 March 2025 to be in the running.

  • Entrance fee: £100
  • Fundraising target: £2000

You’ll have until June 2025 to raise the fundraising target.

Please note: Guide Dogs pays towards each charity place, so we ask that you have a realistic plan of how you will reach your target of £2,000 before applying. Please refer to our fundraising agreement for more information.

Do you have a ballot place?

If you have successfully secured your own place in the ballot, congratulations! If you would like to use your place to run for Guide Dogs, registration is free and we simply ask you raise as much as you can.

Sign up for the race

Submit your charity place application today. Simply select ‘I would like a charity place with Guide Dogs’ and fill out the form below.

Your application will then be reviewed by our team and we will contact you to let you know if you have been successful in securing a place to run with us. We get hundreds of applications, so make sure yours really has the wow factor to stand out in the crowd!

If you entered the ballot and have been successful in getting your own place, but would like to raise money for us, please select “I have a ballot place”.

Thank you so much for supporting us.


1 of 4: Personal details

When you run for Guide Dogs, you’ll get…

  • A Guide Dogs technical running t-shirt or vest of your choice.
  • Loads of fundraising tips and resources.
  • Access to a Facebook group exclusive to our #TeamGuideDogs TCS London Marathon runners.
  • A post-race party where you’ll receive a free massage, refreshments, and, best of all, congratulations cuddles from our four-legged friends!

How the money you fundraise helps change the life of someone with sight loss

  • £69 could buy a puppy-raising kit for the volunteers who look after our puppies during their first year.
  • £130 could buy five white harnesses, the iconic symbol of a working guide dog.
  • £296 could buy a Fine Motor Skills Bundle, providing a package of toys carefully selected by our experts.
  • £828 could buy six starter kits for new guide dog partnerships, containing everything they need to start their new life together
  • £2,480, could buy two young people a laptop kit, complete with assistive technology such as Supernova magnifier and speech.
Matt is wearing a Guide Dogs t-shirt and dog mascot suit in front of London Marathon banner

Matt's London Marathon story

I chose to run for Guide Dogs UK as in 2011 I got injured playing football and lost the sight in my left eye. I have partial vision but not enough to see any definition and my decision to run was because I am scared of losing my sight in my right eye. I'll continue to raise money for Guide Dogs UK knowing how much of a positive impact they have on people's lives. Fundraising is about having belief in humankind. Don’t be afraid to talk to people and tell them why.


Fundraising ideas

Once you’re all signed up to the London Marathon, it’s time to get thinking about that all important fundraising. Reaching your £2,000 target doesn’t need to feel overwhelming, and we’re always on hand with lots of tips and resources to help kick start donations.

Helping you get started with your training

We have teamed up with professional personal trainers SMASH Mind and Body to help support you on your marathon training journey. What you can expect:

  • A 12-week training plan.
  • A must-read guide containing ‘Top Tips’ including nutritional advice, common injuries and ways to prevent them, and the importance of sleep and rest. 
  • Exclusive videos with hints and tips. 
  • Two live Q&A sessions to help prevent injury and ready your mind in the build up and marathon training.

Join our events community over on Facebook to meet other #TeamGuideDog runners, get reminders and updates, share fundraising tips, and view photos after the race.

FAQs on the TCS London Marathon

Got another question? Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

You can reach the team by phone Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm or email us - we'd love to hear from you!

0345 143 0200