Building my strength

These activities are for children aged four years and over.

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Safety first

What you'll need

  • Pole or ball 


Pushing and pulling are fundamental movements for your child. This is an activity the whole family could join in with and take in turns in supporting your child’s development.  


  • Sit or stand facing your child, and push and pull against each other (you could touch your palms together or connect fingers). Alternatively, you could use an object, such as a pole or ball between you and your child.
  • Place the pole handle horizontally, between you and your child and both hold on. Then, try pushing, or pulling, together and against each other. Remember to include frequent breaks throughout the activity. 
  • For safety reasons, start the activity by having someone sit or stand behind your child for support until they become confident with their balance.

Please supervise your child at all times while completing any of these activities.

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