Large print keyboard
Designed to make using the computer easier for people with sight loss, large print keyboards feature letter and number keys in a bigger size than seen on a typical keyboard. Some can feature lettering as much as four times the size of that on a traditional keyboard, while others may include different colour contrasts to help differentiate between the keys easily. With so many to choose from, it can be difficult to know which is the best for you. We’ve broken down the main features of different large print keyboards currently available so you can decide what you need.
Best large print keyboards
How we chose the best large print keyboards
As large print keyboards have been designed for a range of users, there are a few factors to consider before making a purchase.
We’ve taken into account letter size, ergonomics, colour contrasts, installation, spill protection and compatibility to compile some of the best large print keyboards to choose from.
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Technically reviewed by: Subject Matter Experts on 02/11/2023
Guide Dogs is committed to integrating technology into our service delivery and promoting excellence in accessibility and usability. Our staff undergo comprehensive training in technology and accessibility in collaboration with industry leaders like Apple. We foster knowledge of technology and create content through our Technology Champions, comprising Vision Rehabilitation Specialists and Habilitation Specialists. We review this content periodically to ensure that it is up to date and includes new features and changes with operating systems. We work with our partners to ensure accessibility is at the centre of the design. To find out more, there is more information in our accessibility policy.
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Whilst Guide Dogs may be able to suggest various third-party websites and third-party applications which may be able to assist you, those are not endorsed by Guide Dogs. Guide Dogs have no control over those third parties and cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of information and support they can provide or the suitability and quality of any products or services they provide.