Jargon buster for families
Initials/acronym |
Explanation |
AR |
annual review |
additional resource centre |
additional resource provision |
both eyes open |
common assessment framework |
child and adolescent mental health services |
child in need |
cerebral or cortical vision impairment |
CYP | child and young person |
DSA | disabled students’ allowance or a disability student assessment |
ECLO | eye clinic liaison officer |
EHCP | education health and care plan |
ERB | education resource base |
ESA | education support assessment |
ECC | extended core curriculum (ECC is in addition to the national curriculum, where additional skills need to be taught to the child or young person, for example, Braille lessons) |
EP | educational psychologist |
EY | early years |
EYFS | early years foundation stage |
FE | further education |
FS | foundation stage |
FVA | functional vision assessment |
HAB | habilitation |
HE | higher education |
IAG | information, advice and guidance |
ILD | individual learning difficulty |
IEP | individual education plan |
ISP | independent specialist provider or individual support plan |
KS | key stage |
LA | local authority |
LE | left eye |
RE | right eye |
LPO | light perception only |
LSA | learning support assistant or learning support assessment |
LVA | low vision aid or low vision assessment |
LVC | low vision clinic |
LVD | low vision devices |
MDVI | multiple disability with vision impairment |
MSI | multi sensory impairment |
MLD | moderate learning difficulties |
NLP | no light perception |
OT | occupational therapist |
PMLD | profound multiple learning difficulties |
PNI | physical and neurological impairment |
QTVI | qualified teacher of children with vision impairment |
SALT | speech and language therapy |
SEN | special educational need |
SENCO | special education needs coordinator |
SENDCO | special educational needs and disability coordinator |
SEND | special educational needs and disability |
SENDO | special educational needs and disability officer |
SENDIASS | special educational needs and disability information advice support service |
SENDIST | special educational needs and disability tribunal |
SFE | Student Finance England |
SLD | severe learning difficulties |
STA | specialist teaching assistant |
SSPVI | specialist support professional for the visually impaired |
SSW | specialist support worker |
TA | teaching assistant |
team around the child |
TAF | team around the family |
VRS | Vision Rehabilitation Specialist |
Assessment of need | a formal procedure to assess your equipment and support needs, taking into account your strengths and weaknesses |
Personal or individual budget | an arrangement where parents or guardians have direct control over the application of funding that’s spent on equipment or services to support their child. Funding is sourced from local statutory bodies, or education, health and social services |
Visual acuity | the smallest detail somebody can see when looking straight at a stationary, high contrast target in good lighting |
Do you need help?
Please don’t hesitate to contact us for more tailored help and support.