Education support
Finding the right support for your child at school, college or nursery can be difficult, but we’re here to help – every step of the way.
Our Specialist Education Support Team is made up of Qualified Teachers of children with a Vision Impairment (QTVIs) and can offer information and advice tailored to your child. From starting nursery to supporting them at university, we’ve got the tools to help them to learn, grow and live the life they want.
How we helped Sophie, Beth and Namit
What can we do?
It’s our mission to make sure children and young people with a vision impairment are supported on their educational journey.
From the day they’re born to the age of 25, we can provide education information and advice.
Guide Dogs helped me to understand the legal stance, but also backed me up in my dialogue with the school to make things happen.
Specialist Education Support – Helping your child through each stage of education
The Guide Dogs' Specialist Education Support Service is here to offer independent and tailored advice to help your child receive all the education support they are entitled to.
From pre-school to college and beyond, our Specialist Education Support Officers can guide your family as your child progresses through each stage of education.
Whenever you need any advice, please get in touch with us on 0800 781 1444 or
We can help you:
- Choose the right nursery, school, college or uni
- Understand your child’s rights and entitlements
- Identify extra support for your child from a local authority or other organisations
- Understand how to fill in complex forms, and figure out tricky terms and processes
- Plan, prepare and put your child’s choices into action
We can also help children and young people choose the best assistive technology for them, or access our mobility and life skills courses.
Abbreviations you may hear:
- EHCP – Education, Health and Care Plan
- SENDCo – Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator
- CYP – Child or Young Person
- QTVI – Qualified Teacher of children with a Vision Impairment
- APDR - Assess, Plan, Do Review
Mobility and independent living skills training
Guide Dogs is the largest employer of specialists dedicated to helping children and young people with sight loss. We work with local authorities to provide mobility and independent living skills training that could help your child at school and home. This includes learning how to navigate safely around school, such as through doorways and up and down steps, and important daily skills, such as techniques to locate specific objects, preparing food and managing their appearance.
It’s important to consider these skills and training when your child starts at a new school and to prepare well in advance.
In this section...
Guide Dogs launch a guide for Higher Education providers to support students with vision impairment
Do you need help?
Please don’t hesitate to contact us for more tailored help and support.