Guide dogs for children and young people

Guide Dogs has a long and successful history of providing guide dogs for people aged 16 or over. We have since broadened our reach even more following a three-year pilot project with young people under 16 back in 2006. Their amazing progress means there is now no minimum age for guide dog ownership, and we are pleased to offer guide dogs to young people.

On this page

How will I be selected and assessed for having a guide dog?

We assess all young people who apply for a guide dog. Our aim is to establish whether a guide dog will help you become more mobile, build your confidence and self-esteem, and ultimately improve your quality of life.

Our in-depth guide dog mobility assessment explores walking speed, balance, lifestyle, and so on. We’ll then decide whether you will be placed on the waiting list for a guide dog. We always include your parents or carers and key professionals from the outset, as they play an important role in supporting the young person with a guide dog.

How long does the training take and what does it cover?

The guide dog training programme varies from person to person, so training will depend on your age, experience, and ability. However, all training includes:

  • Looking after the dog’s care and welfare – including grooming, feeding and checking the dog for any signs of illness or health problems
  • Maintaining a high standard of obedience so the dog behaves well socially and doesn’t make a nuisance of itself by barking or jumping up at people or on furniture
  • How to achieve and maintain a high standard of recall when the dog is given a free run
  • What commands to give to make the dog turn left or right, stop and take off once it has stopped at a down kerb
  • ‘Following’ techniques to allow effective avoidance of obstacles and other hazards
  • Safe road crossing and traffic assessment techniques
  • Use of public transport
  • How to ensure the dog is relieved regularly and how to maintain hygiene routines
  • Supporting and maintaining the dog’s willingness and confidence during the performance of the guiding role
  • How to deal with situations specific to you, such as school lessons
  • Health and safety guidance and good practice as applicable

Above all, we’ll help you to enjoy safe, independent travel, along with the many other wonderful benefits a dog can bring, like companionship and a sense of responsibility.

What support will I get after training?

You won’t be on your own after you complete training. We’ll provide aftercare in the form of routine visits – which are more frequent after initial training – or requested visits from parents, school or you, where there’s a need for extra practice or training.

Our instructors offer continued support until they are confident you can travel independently. From this point on, supervision gradually reduces.

Information for parents

  • Who is responsible for the guide dog?

    Day-to-day responsibility falls to the guide dog owner, however while the young person is under the age of 16, the parent or guardian is legally responsible for the dog. Guide Dogs’ legal agreement ensures that the Association is able to fully support partnerships on an ongoing basis.

  • What safeguards are in place to protect the potential vulnerability of a child?

    Guide Dogs’ staff, who support clients on a regular basis, undertake a criminal record check every three years and are required to attend safeguarding training in relation to working with young people.

    Staff working directly with children and young people will undertake an additional course which covers areas such as effective communication and engagement with children, young people’s development, supporting transitions and multi-agency working.

    All contact with the young person will be made in conjunction with their parent/guardian.

    All parents/guardians will need to sign a data protection form giving permission for Guide Dogs to store the young person’s information electronically.

  • When and where will the training take place?

    We endeavour to fully accommodate a young person’s education commitments. For this reason, guide dog training for young people generally takes place during summer holidays and/or evenings.

    Young people’s training is carried out primarily in the home area. However, there may be times where overnight hotel accommodation is necessary. In such circumstances, we require a minor to be accompanied by their parent or guardian.

  • How long might my child have to wait for training with a guide dog?

    Unfortunately, we can’t give a definitive waiting time period. All successful new applicants will be placed on a waiting list, with most training for young people taking place during summer holidays.

  • What happens if a guide dog is not suitable for my child?

    Guide Dogs will advise on the services available based on the results of a thorough mobility assessment. In certain situations, we can offer alternative mobility training and/or other services. We also link with many other service organisations for blind and partially sighted people.

    You won’t be on your own – we’ll aim to either assist or signpost to ensure the needs of your child are met.

Want to find out if a guide dog is right for you?

Please get in touch if you'd like to talk to someone about getting a guide dog, or to chat about how we can help you.

0800 781 1444