Pay in fundraising

Complete this form for the quickest and easiest way to pay in your fundraising. If you would prefer to pay in by phone, cheque or bank transfer, you can find out more on our paying in your fundraising page. If you have completed a challenge event, such as a marathon, please contact the Events Team on

We will use your personal information, provided below, to process your pay in.

Please complete all pages of this form. All fields marked with * are mandatory.

2 of 4: Group details

Please provide the name and details of a designated group contact

Please enter a postcode and find your address.

Change postcode

We respect your personal information and your privacy and will not share or sell your information to other organisations. We will use your contact details and information on how you have supported us to provide you and others with information we think you will find interesting. To help us do this we may use publicly sourced data and information from data analytics companies. Find out more about how we manage and respect your data at or call freephone 0800 953 0113 to request a printed copy. Please use this number to tell us if you have changed your mind about how we contact you; including telling us that you do not wish to receive occasional direct mail about Guide Dogs.