It would be very helpful if you could let us know when you have made a legacy payment by calling us on 0118 983 5555 or by sending an email to the Legacy Administration team. Please always remember to let us know the name of the person who has remembered us in their Will.
We accept the following methods of payment:
To make a BACS payment our bank account details are: Barclays Bank Sort code 20-65-82 Guide Dogs Account number 43870731. Please quote our reference / if you don’t have a reference yet, please contact the Legacy Administration team by sending an email to the Legacy Administration team or by calling us on 0118 983 5555.
Please make the cheque payable either to 'Guide Dogs' or 'The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association', and send it to our Central Office:
Guide Dogs
Burghfield Common
Reading RG7 3YG
Remember to put the name of the person who has remembered us in their Will on the back of the cheque along with your name and address so that we can bank your money correctly.
Alternatively, you can visit a branch of Barclays Bank and quote our Barclays Bank Sort code and Account number shown above.
If you have any questions please email the Legacy Administration team or contact them by telephone on 0118 983 5555 or 0800 953 0113.