Donate an hour

Donate an hour of your time to support our Appeal 

Support the Guide Dogs Puppy Appeal this October by volunteering an hour of your time at a local fundraising collection or event organised by us. Come on your own, or rally a team of friends, family, or colleagues.

What is donate an hour?

Giving money isn’t the only way you can support the Guide Dogs Puppy Appeal. Volunteering as a fundraiser for just one hour can make a huge difference. We have bucket collections and events in shops, high streets, businesses and community spaces during October – but we need more volunteers to help collect donations on the day.

What you’ll be doing when you volunteer an hour of your time

All collections and events are organised by our incredible network of volunteer-led fundraising groups. Your role will be to join them and help raise funds and awareness. If you love socialising, meeting new people and dogs, it’s a fun way to use your time to make a difference and spread the word about our important work.

What you’ll get

  • A welcome pack including guidance, tips about talking about Guide Dogs, and a pair of fluffy wearable dog ears.
  • Provided with your own collection bucket or device and Guide Dogs tabard when you arrive for your timeslot.
  • Support from your local Guide Dogs fundraising group who can answer any questions in advance or on the day.  

How to donate an hour

  1. Search below to find a timeslot and follow the steps to book.
  2. You will receive your welcome pack in the post within 10 working days.
  3. Your local fundraising group will be in touch to confirm all the details and answer any questions.
  4. On the day, you will be welcomed by our volunteers, provided with your own collection bucket or device, and Guide Dogs tabard. The group will be on hand to support.
  5. Once your time slot is up, simply hand back your tabard and the funds you raised ready for the group to pay in to Guide Dogs on your behalf. 

Volunteer an hour of your time today – search for your local fundraising event 

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Imagine the difference you can make in just one hour...

  • Donating an hour of your time to join our collections across the UK will help us fund life-changing services for people living with sight loss.
  • Volunteering to help your local fundraising group raise funds and awareness couldn't be easier. Search for your local collection and register above.
  • Help ensure people with sight loss don't get left out of life with just one hour of your time.

It's easy to join in and every hour you give will be life-changing. Thank you!


We'd love to hear from you! 

If you can't find a collection in your local area or have any questions we would love to hear from you. Please contact our friendly team...

0345 143 0192

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    Please note all participants must be over 18 to take part in Donate an Hour

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    How would you like to stay in touch?

    We will use the personal information collected on this form to process your application and to communicate with you about volunteering. We respect your personal information and your privacy and will not share or sell your information to other organisations. We will use your contact details and information on how you have supported us to provide you and others with information we think you will find interesting. To help us do this we may use publicly sourced data and information from data analytics companies.

    Keeping in touch

    If you would like to hear about future opportunities for you to volunteer with Guide Dogs, such as news from Guide Dogs, updates from your local team and information on how else you can support us through volunteering, then please let us know below. Registering for these communications does not commit you to doing anything further.