Spotlight on Sarah Hoskyn - Buddy Dog Partnership Specialist

Author: Clare Hellery & James Betts
  • Careers Spotlight
  • Inspiring People

Brace yourself for probably one of the most emotive jobs you are ever going to do.

Sarah, Buddy Dog Partnership Specialist

Our latest Spotlight features the work of our Buddy Dog Partnership Specialists, (BDPS) and focuses on the wonderful work they do with our dogs who weren’t destined to guide – and the lives they change nonetheless.

Our buddy dogs have been withdrawn from the guiding programme for a variety of reasons, but can still provide companionship, confidence and fun to a child with a visual impairment. In this film we follow BDPS Sarah Hoskyn as she talks about what brought her to the role, how she works with families, and the amazing benefits a buddy dog can bring.

Buddy and JJ

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Author: Clare Hellery & James Betts

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Author: Clare Hellery & James Betts

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