Spotlight on Katharine Stinton - Vision Rehabilitation Specialist for Guide Dogs

Author: Content Team
  • Careers Spotlight
  • Inspiring People
Kathrin Stinton walking down the street

Spotlight: This week we shine a light on the work of Vision Rehabilitation Specialist, Katharine Stinton.  Our Vision Rehabilitation Specialists help anyone who is on the Ready To Train programme, who may want help with anything from learning routes they may use every day, to life skills in the home.

Katharine says, ”We just really try to get to know a person, and what they want to achieve.  I ask them how things are working out for them, what they a need bit of help with.  When some is waiting for their guide dog it gives us the scope to offer some more rehabilitation support, if it’s something the client wants at that stage.  It might be something like skills around the kitchen, such as chopping and peeling, or communications skills, or just the fuller rehab picture.”

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Author: Content Team

Guide Dogs Content Team

Author: Content Team

Guide Dogs Content Team