Contact us

Guide Line (services, support and dog related queries)

Call our Guide Line to speak to an expert who can provide information and advice for yourself, your child or a family member. We are open 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday (except bank holidays).

Information and advice for adults:

  • Finding the right services for you
  • Health and wellbeing advice for anyone caring for a Guide Dogs puppy or dog
  • Advice on guide dog access refusals

Information and advice for children and families:

  • Family support
  • Technology and sensory equipment


Phone: 0800 781 1444 – Calls are free of charge from all consumer landlines and mobile phones


Guide Dogs has a range of services and support that can be tailored to your needs. You can also get in touch with us by completing a short questionnaire. 

Supporter Experience (Sponsor a Puppy, donating, fundraising and events queries)

Our Supporter Experience team are here to provide information and advice to new and existing supporters regarding:

  • Sponsoring a puppy
  • Direct debit payments
  • Donations
  • The Guide Dog Raffle or Lottery
  • Leaving a gift in your will
  • Changing how we currently contact you including changing your address


Phone: 0800 953 0113 - Calls are free of charge from all consumer landlines and mobile phones

Lines are open 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday.

If you’re interested in fundraising with us or have a query about fundraising in your area, our Community Fundraising team can provide you with support, information and advice including activities you can get involved in, booking a Speaker, and fundraising packs and resources.


Phone: 0345 143 0192 – Calls cost no more than calls to geographic numbers (01 or 02)

Lines are open 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday.

If you are taking part in an event or are interested in doing an event (such as a sporting event or extreme challenge), or volunteering at an event, you can contact the team directly at:

Email: or

Phone: 0345 143 0200 – Calls cost no more than calls to geographic numbers (01 or 02)

Lines are open 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday.

Volunteering Office

For any queries about volunteering, as an existing volunteer or a potential future volunteer, then you can contact a member of the Volunteering Office. Lines are open 9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday.


Phone: 0345 143 0191 – Calls cost no more than calls to geographic numbers (01 or 02)

Guide Dogs Shop

To place an order from our catalogue, or for any enquiries relating to the shop, please contact the Guide Dogs Shop Customer Care Team. Lines are open 9am-8pm, Monday to Friday.


Phone: 0345 143 0197 – Calls cost no more than calls to geographic numbers (01 or 02)

Out-of-hours emergency contact number

If you need to speak to us outside of office hours (including bank holidays) with an emergency query, please contact us on 0345 143 0217 – Calls cost no more than calls to geographic numbers (01 or 02)

All other enquiries

For any other queries not covered in the sections above, please call us on 0118 983 5555.

Got a question? Why not check out our FAQs first

You can find us at the following address:

The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association
Burghfield Common

Addresses for our community teams are available here.

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