What we do

Hear more about the wide variety of services we offer for people with sight loss in our Services pages.

In this section...

Lena fundraising for guide dogs

Our vision is a future where every person with sight loss has the confidence and support to live their lives to the fullest. Our new strategy looks forward to 2040.

The surprising and wonderful story of how Guide Dogs came to be, from 1931 to today.

Guide Dogs has clear ethical statements on service delivery and research, fundraising, investments, collaboration, campaigns, the environment and our purchasing.

The research we carry out at Guide Dogs helps us understand the needs of our users as well as help us take care of our dogs.

Guide Dogs is a founding member of the International Guide Dogs Federation, now spanning 31 countries.

Deborah Bourne Director of Fundraising with actor and host Charlie Cox presenting an award to Rex Davies winner of the Inspirational Young Person of the Year and Overall Service User

At Guide Dogs, we like to celebrate the incredible people who volunteer, work and partner with us.